Health statement and health exclusions

Important information regarding pre-existing medical conditions


Snowcard Insurance will provide cover for new injuries or illnesses which occur during the period of insurance.


Important Exclusions relating to health:

There is no cover under this policy at any time if:

1)    You travel after a medical practitioner has advised you against travel, or you are taking part in any activities against the advice of a medical practitioner or hospital consultant.

2)    You are travelling for the purpose of receiving medical treatment, surgery or medical investigations.


Important Information about Pre-Existing Medical Conditions:

Snowcard Insurance will provide cover for new injuries or illnesses which occur during the period of insurance. There is no cover for pre-existing medical conditions. 

For the purposes of this insurance, a pre-existing medical condition is considered to be:

A)   any medical condition (including psychological conditions such as stress, anxiety and depression), which has resulted in referral to a hospital or consultant in the last 12 months

B)   any medical condition for which your prescribed medication to treat, manage or prevent a condition, symptoms or disorder has changed in the last 12 months

C)   any medical condition for which you are on a hospital waiting list or awaiting the results of tests or investigations

D)   any cardiac or respiratory condition for which you take more than 2 prescribed medications

E)   any undiagnosed medical condition where you are aware of symptoms and you are awaiting diagnosis

F)   any medical condition where a terminal prognosis has been given


If any of the above applies to you, you can still purchase a Snowcard policy to cover new injuries or illnesses that are not directly or indirectly connected with the pre-existing medical condition. If you require additional cover for a pre-existing medical condition, there are policies available on the market that you can purchase in addition to your Snowcard policy. 


Any current or past medical condition that is not excluded by the statement above will NOT be regarded as a pre-existing medical condition for the purposes of this insurance. 



A physical injury that has been treated and no longer requires further treatment, medication or rehabilitation is not a pre-existing medical condition within the terms of this policy. If you are recently recovered from a physical injury you must have been 'signed off' by your GP or consultant as fit to travel and to engage in your chosen activity or sport.


For additional guidance relating to pre existing health conditions you can email [email protected]

If we are unable to offer you the travel insurance cover you need, or if we are unable to provide cover for any pre-existing medical conditions, you may be able to get help by accessing the Money and Pensions Service travel insurance directory. or call 0800 138 7777 (Open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm).