General exclusions applying to all sections
(applicable to policies issued from 3 October 2022, for policies issued before this date please refer to the policy document sent with your original policy confirmation)
- Any claims arising from routine treatment or care which could reasonably be expected to arise during your period of insurance.
- Any claim related to an incident that you were aware of at the time you took out this insurance or booked your trip (whichever is later) and which could lead to a claim.
- Any claim that results from the tour operator, airline, or any other company, firm, or person not being able or not being willing to carry out any part of their obligation to you.
- You travelling contrary to the regulations of your transport provider.
- Indirect losses, which result from the incident that caused you to claim. For example replacing locks if you lose your keys.
- If you receive payment from someone or somewhere else, we will take this off your claim. This does not apply to Personal Accident.
- Any epidemic or pandemic except as expressly covered under the Medical, repatriation and other expenses and If your trip is cancelled or cut short Sections.
- You not following any advice or recommendation made by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), World Health Organization (WHO) or any government or other official authority. This includes where:
- Certain vaccinations or other preventative measures (such as malaria tablets) are recommended.
- The FCDO has advised against: all travel; or all but essential travel (unless the purpose of your journey is necessary, urgent and cannot be postponed. Evidence of this will be required see Making a claim);
- You have travelled against the advice of a local authority at any destination you are travelling from, through or to.
- For further details on FCDO travel advice, visit:
- Additional expenses e.g. telephone calls, taxi fares, meals and refreshments or loss of earnings.
- You not enjoying your trip or not wanting to travel.
- You acting in an illegal or malicious way.
- Your property being held, taken, destroyed or damaged under the order of any government or customs officials.
- Any claim caused directly or indirectly by:
- ionising radiation or radioactive contamination from nuclear fuel or nuclear waste, or any risk from an explosive nuclear device or other nuclear equipment;
- your property being held, taken, destroyed or damaged under the order of any government or other authority;
- pressure waves caused by aircraft or other flying machines travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds;
- war, invasion, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil unrest, revolution insurrection, military force, coup d’etat, terrorism (this does not apply to claims made under the Medical, repatriation and other expenses Section) or weapons of mass destruction;
- the use, release or threat of any nuclear weapon or device or chemical or biological agent;
- leaving your valuables or money and documents unattended;
- any economic sanction (restriction) which prohibits us, AWP P&C SA or members of the Allianz Group from providing cover under this policy;
- any currency exchange rate changes; •
- cyber risks of any kind.
General conditions applying to all sections
You will only be covered if you meet the following conditions
- You must follow any recommendations, laws or regulations made by any government or other authority both before and during the period of insurance, including government regulations that you must not travel and leave the United Kingdom during a pandemic lockdown situation. If you chose to travel against United Kingdom Government lockdown travel regulations, or against Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office travel advice, you will not be covered for any claim you make.
- You must do all that you can to keep your claims as low as possible and to prevent theft, loss and damage.
- If we pay any expenses which you are not covered for, you must pay these back within a month of our request for reimbursement.
- If you, or anyone acting for you, deliberately make a false claim or statement, the insurance will end and we will not pay any claims. We may also report the matter to the police.
- We may take action against someone in your name to get compensation or security for loss, damage or expenses covered by this insurance. You will not pay anything towards this action, but any amount or security handed over will belong to us.
- All the sums insured and limits set out in this policy include VAT.
- Unless agreed otherwise, English law will apply and all communications and documentation in relation to this policy will be in English. In the event of a dispute concerning this policy the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
- The premium for this insurance includes insurance premium tax where necessary.
- If we pay a claim because your trip is cancelled, we will not pay a claim under any other section of the policy for the same trip.
- You must have your main home in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or Isle of Man.
- You must be aged 75 years or under:
- at the date your policy was issued for single trip policies
- at the start date of your policy for annual multi- trip policies.
- You accept that for annual multi-trip policies, there is no cover for any part of a trip that exceeds the 31 day single trip limit (45 days, 60 days or 90 days if you have paid the extra premium to extend this limit).