There are some activity holidays we are unable to provide cover for. 

Please refer to this link for the current list https://www.snowcard.co.uk/excluded-activities

Annual ‘Multi trip’ policies only cover holidays in the UK with at least one nights pre-paid accommodation.

Airlines have a legal responsibility for damage to any property in their care, custody and control, this includes bikes or any sports equipment you have paid to travel in the aircraft hold. 

If you take the optional 'equipment' section of cover you will be insured for any 'irrecoverable' expenses resulting from damage to your equipment in transit. 

This means that in the first instance you must seek what is known as a 'property irregularity report' or 'PIR' from the airline if your equipment or baggage is damaged and you wish to make a claim. 

If you are able to obtain compensation from the airline for damage to equipment you can only claim for any expenses in excess of any compensation award. 

If you do not obtain a PIR, you will not be able to make a claim against your travel insurance, it is a policy condition that a PIR is requested from the airline. 

NOTE: CHECK EQUIPMENT BEFORE LEAVING THE AIRPORT - airlines are unlikely to issue a PIR after you have left the airport and this will mean you can not claim against your insurance policy.


All policy limits are per person insured on the policy including couple, family and group policies.

Note the policy excess selected by you is also applicable to each person insured on the policy and applies to any claim made under each section of cover as detailed in the policy wording.

The policy is subject to certain health exclusions for pre existing conditions. 

Email [email protected] if you require guidance on any uncertainties. 

If you or anyone you are buying insurance for has a pre existing medical condition, you must refer to the health statement to see if it is covered https://www.snowcard.co.uk/health-statement

 Some conditions will be covered, others not. 

If your condition is not covered by the Snowcard policy, you can still purchase a policy which will cover any new accidents or illnesses happening on holiday. If you require cover for a pre existing medical condition that is excluded by the Snowcard policy, you must seek alternative cover with an insurer specializing in pre existing condition insurance. Please refer to the British Insurance Brokers’ Association website at: www.biba.org.uk Please refer to page 13. in the policy wording for specific exclusions regarding the health of close relatives/business associates or other travel companions.

Children up to and including age 18 can travel independently on a family policy. Children over the age of 18 travelling independently are classified as adults and require their own policy.

Yes, each person is insured separately and all policy limits are per person

If you have an annual policy with another insurer and you require cover for just a short duration of higher risk activity with Snowcard, you CAN NOT purchase a few days of cover in the middle of a longer trip insured by another policy. You should speak with your existing insurer about an extension of cover. Otherwise, you will need to purchase a new policy for the whole trip. For a Snowcard policy to be valid, you must insure the full duration of your trip from UK departure to UK return for your cover to be valid.

There are no policy restrictions or exclusions relating to pregnancy but you must not be travelling or taking part in high risk sports against medical advice or experiencing any complications relating to pregnancy. Please consult the policy health statement before proceeding and speak with your GP about whether they feel you are okay to engage in adventure sports whilst pregnant.

Within the 14 day cooling off period, if you don’t travel and do not make a claim you can cancel the policy and obtain a full refund. 

Outside of the 14 day cooling off period or if you have travelled, there is no refund of premium.

Refund requests - email [email protected] quoting your policy number and the reason for cancellation

No. If any single trip is likely to exceed your selected trip limit or you need a higher level policy, you can amend your policy via your online account.

If you call the 24 hour emergency number on your Snowcard, the insurers can guarantee and arrange to pay your bills for you. 

For smaller amounts (under £500) which you have paid yourself, simply call the claims department on your return to the UK.

If you are hospitalised or likely to incur medical expenses over £500, call the insurers to authorise any treatment or expenses.

If you are being evacuated by an air ambulance, where possible have a member of your party call the insurer to authorise the expenses.


SKI RACING - there is no cover for ski race training and competitions for any formal teams, squads or national bodies or professional level events. Organised amateur ski races forming part of a recreational winter sports holiday are coveerd by the Pro Adventure activity level. This does not affect end of week ski school races forming part of a normal package winter sports holiday with ski lessons which are covered by Adventure Plus and above. https://www.snowcard.co.uk/content/races-and-competitions

e-biking is treated the same as non-powered bikes providing the e-bike is used as per the manufacturers specification and has not been modified. e biking e bikes e-bikes

For specialist expeditions which are self organised, or exploratory or part of a research project, we will not provide cover unless a full submission regarding the expedition organisation has been agreed by the insurers. 

We do not normally agree cover for specialist expeditions which are not recreational adventure holidays and normally refer proposals to the insurers of the appropriate organisation or governing sports body.


A number of insurance companies impose a higher excess for helicopter rescue in Nepal. This is because helicopters are increasingly being used in the region without establishing the medical necessity for air ambulance call out. This has resulted in insurers being asked to pay for helicopter call outs where there is no medical need for an evacuation. 

The UK insurance market has reacted to this by either imposing higher excess charges or increasing insurance premiums. Insurers will only pay for valid claims where there is a medical need for a helicopter evacuation.


The link to add your eSnowcard to either your Apple or Google wallet is at the bottom of your policy email confirmation.

Note: The eSnowcard link would not have been available on policies purchased in 2024 - to obtain your link, request a resend of your policy confirmation email via your online account

Adventure Basic policies cover up to 4 weeks of Nordic cross country skiing only, that is langlauf style cross country skiing on marked resort trails (not back country ski touring). 

Adventure Plus and Max Adventure policies cover up to 4 weeks of winter sports holidays. These policies are intended for persons who go on no more than 4 weeks of winter sports holidays a year. The ‘4 weeks’ does not refer to the number of days skiing but the travelling time on a winter sports holiday. 

 If you ski for more than 4 weeks in a policy year, you must take the Extreme Adventure policy, which does not limit the number of winter sports holidays although there is a 31 day single trip limit which can be extended up to 90 days. The maximum number of winter sports days in any 12 month period is 90 days.


If you have an annual policy with another insurer and you require cover for just a short duration of higher risk activity with Snowcard, you CAN NOT purchase a few days of cover in the middle of a longer trip insured by your other policy. For a Snowcard policy to be valid, you must insure the full duration of your trip from UK departure to UK return for your cover to be valid. You can take a Snowcard policy for medical only cover for your activity providing you insure the full trip duration. Check with your annual policy insurer that they will still cover your baggage and trip cancellation.

Unfortunately we are unable to offer travel insurance quotation for persons aged over 75. For information on obtaining a quotation from an alternative provider, please visit the British Insurance Brokers’ Association website at: www.biba.org.uk

This directory is also useful https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/everyday-money/insurance/travel-insurance-directory?source=mas

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