How To Carbon Offset Your Flights?

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I think we are all starting to wake up to the need to address our carbon footprint. For travellers used to jumping on the next available flight to their next adventure, there is perhaps a degree of denial or reluctance about the necessity to change the habits of a lifetime. However, we have had a look at some of the many options available online to be proactive and work towards offsetting our carbon foot print and surprisingly the results are varied and interesting. Some have a simple calculation which can be purchased immediately, a quick fix for your conscience but no control over where your money goes. Other options allow for you to select offset projects, others require you to buy into services for flights or annual offset contracts. However the choice is yours and we hope these examples help you jump onboard the offset flight to a cleaner world!


Carbon Offset Comparison – Heathrow to Geneva

Climatecare: Simple easy to use calculator, cost £1.76 – offset used to fund projects mainly in Africa, Thailand and Brazil.

Atmosfair: provides comparison of different airlines and which are most CO2 efficient, cost EU10. Offset used to fund projects in South Africa and Nepal.

Carbonfund: Doesn’t provide an offset calculator tool but allows you to choose to offset your annual air mileage in brackets 10,000 to 200,000 miles, cost $20-£380. Offset used for projects in Kenya and India.


Clevel: Calculator tool requires personal data before providing costings. Least user friendly. Offset used to fund projects in Mongolia and Tanzania.

Flygreen: Offers flights with offset included, operates like a flight booking web site so will only appeal if you want to use their flight search service. Offset used on projects in India.

Myclimate: Straight forward offset calculator, quotes CHF10.00. Offset used for projects in Africa and Nicaragua.

Carbonfootprint: straightforward calculator tool to help work out your carbon foot print. You need to choose which projects you want to support and the costs vary. Mainly used for projects in Uganda and Chilie.


